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Werewolf Environment


Werewolf Environment provides a strategy desktop game environment that allows you to customize the number of werewolves and villager when initializing the environment. When the game is executed, through the built-in prompt words of different players, non-moderator characters can conduct private chats at dusk and public speeches at dawn under the guidance of the moderator. Based on the results of different speeches and votes, the environment automatically calculates the eliminated player, the player's skill usage and survival status, whether the game is over, the winner and the reason, etc.

Space Definition

Observation Space


from gymnasium import spaces
from metagpt.environment.werewolf.const import STEP_INSTRUCTIONS

space = spaces.Dict(
         "game_setup": spaces.Text(256),
         "step_idx": spaces.Discrete(len(STEP_INSTRUCTIONS)),
         "living_players": spaces.Tuple(
             (spaces.Text(16), spaces.Text(16))
         ), # TODO should be tuple of variable length
         "werewolf_players": spaces.Tuple(
             (spaces.Text(16), spaces.Text(16))
         ), # TODO should be tuple of variable length
         "player_hunted": spaces.Text(16),
         "player_current_dead": spaces.Tuple((spaces.Text(16))), # TODO should be tuple of variable length
         "witch_poison_left": spaces.Discrete(2),
         "witch_antidote_left": spaces.Discrete(2),
         "winner": spaces.Text(16),
         "win_reason": spaces.Text(64),
from gymnasium import spaces
from metagpt.environment.werewolf.const import STEP_INSTRUCTIONS

space = spaces.Dict(
         "game_setup": spaces.Text(256),
         "step_idx": spaces.Discrete(len(STEP_INSTRUCTIONS)),
         "living_players": spaces.Tuple(
             (spaces.Text(16), spaces.Text(16))
         ), # TODO should be tuple of variable length
         "werewolf_players": spaces.Tuple(
             (spaces.Text(16), spaces.Text(16))
         ), # TODO should be tuple of variable length
         "player_hunted": spaces.Text(16),
         "player_current_dead": spaces.Tuple((spaces.Text(16))), # TODO should be tuple of variable length
         "witch_poison_left": spaces.Discrete(2),
         "witch_antidote_left": spaces.Discrete(2),
         "winner": spaces.Text(16),
         "win_reason": spaces.Text(64),

Description of observation

FieldDescriptionValue Description
game_setupGame initial information text stringMaximum length 16
step_idxThe current number of steps in each round of the gameValue range [0-18]
living_playersList of currently living player namesMultiple players possible
werewolf_playersWerewolf player name listMultiple werewolves available. There is currently no isolation, and the list can be obtained directly from the environment, to be optimized
player_huntedThe name of the player currently eliminated by werewolves0 or 1 player
player_current_deadList of currently eliminated player namesMultiple players possible
witch_poison_leftThe number of poisons left by the witch0 or 1
witch_antidote_leftThe number of antidote left by the witch0 or 1
winnerThe WinnerMaximum length 16
win_reasonWinning reasonMaximum length 64

Space sample example:

OrderedDict([('game_setup', 'Game setup: xxx'), ('living_players', ('Player1', 'Player2')), ('player_current_dead', ('Player5', 'Player6')), (' player_hunted', 'Player5'), ('step_idx', 7), ('werewolf_players', ('Player3', 'Player4')), ('win_reason', 'xx'), ('winner', 'werewolf' ), ('witch_antidote_left', 1), ('witch_poison_left', 1)])
OrderedDict([('game_setup', 'Game setup: xxx'), ('living_players', ('Player1', 'Player2')), ('player_current_dead', ('Player5', 'Player6')), (' player_hunted', 'Player5'), ('step_idx', 7), ('werewolf_players', ('Player3', 'Player4')), ('win_reason', 'xx'), ('winner', 'werewolf' ), ('witch_antidote_left', 1), ('witch_poison_left', 1)])

Action Space


from gymnasium import spaces
from metagpt.environment.werewolf.env_space import EnvActionType

space = spaces.Dict(
         "action_type": spaces.Discrete(len(EnvActionType)),
         "player_name": spaces.Text(16), # the player to do the action
         "target_player_name": spaces.Text(16), # the target player who take the action
from gymnasium import spaces
from metagpt.environment.werewolf.env_space import EnvActionType

space = spaces.Dict(
         "action_type": spaces.Discrete(len(EnvActionType)),
         "player_name": spaces.Text(16), # the player to do the action
         "target_player_name": spaces.Text(16), # the target player who take the action

Description of action

FieldDescriptionValue Description
action_typeAction typeDifferent actions correspond to different IntEnum values, followed by None, WOLF_KILL, VOTE_KILL, WITCH_POISON, WITCH_SAVE, GUARD_PROTECT, PROGRESS_STEP
player_nameThe initiator of the actionMaximum length 16
target_player_nameThe target party of the actionMaximum length 16

Space sample example:

OrderedDict([('action_type', 5), ('player_name', 'Player1'), ('target_player_name', 'Player2')])
OrderedDict([('action_type', 5), ('player_name', 'Player1'), ('target_player_name', 'Player2')])


from metagpt.environment.werewolf.werewolf_ext_env import WerewolfExtEnv
from metagpt.environment.werewolf.env_space import (

env = WerewolfExtEnv()

obs, _ = env.reset() # Get complete observation values

action = EnvAction(action_type=EnvActionType.VOTE_KILL, player_name="Player1", target_player_name="Player2") #Initialize a set of action values, `Player1` will kill `Player2`
obs, _, _, _, info = env.step(action) # Execute the action and get a new complete observation
from metagpt.environment.werewolf.werewolf_ext_env import WerewolfExtEnv
from metagpt.environment.werewolf.env_space import (

env = WerewolfExtEnv()

obs, _ = env.reset() # Get complete observation values

action = EnvAction(action_type=EnvActionType.VOTE_KILL, player_name="Player1", target_player_name="Player2") #Initialize a set of action values, `Player1` will kill `Player2`
obs, _, _, _, info = env.step(action) # Execute the action and get a new complete observation

Released under the MIT License.