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Recepit Assistant: Extract Structural Info from Receipts

Role Introduction

Function Description

Supports OCR recognition of invoice files in pdf, png, jpg, and zip formats, generating a csv file with information on the payee, city, total amount, and invoicing date. For single-file invoices in pdf, png, jpg formats, you can ask questions related to the invoice content. Additionally, multi-language support is provided for the generated invoice results.

Design Concept

  • For pdf, png, jpg format invoice files, use the open-source PaddleOCR API for OCR recognition. Extract the OCR-recognized data using the LLM large model and write it to a table. Finally, ask the LLM large model about the invoice content.
  • For zip format invoice files, first unzip the compressed package to a specified directory. Then, recursively traverse pdf, png, jpg format invoice files for OCR recognition. Provide the OCR-recognized data to the LLM large model to extract key information into the same table. Asking questions about content is not supported for multiple files.

Source Code

GitHub Source Code

Role Definition

  1. Define the role class, inherit from the Role base class, and override the __init__ initialization method. The __init__ method must include the name, profile, goal, and constraints parameters. The first line of code uses super().__init__(name, profile, goal, constraints) to call the constructor of the parent class, implementing the initialization of the Role. Use self.set_actions([InvoiceOCR]) to add initial actions and states. Here, the initial action is to add an action for OCR recognition of invoices. Custom parameters can also be added; here, the language parameter is added to support custom languages. Variables such as filename, origin_query, and orc_data are used to temporarily store the invoice file name, the original query, and the OCR recognition result, respectively. Use self._set_react_mode(react_mode="by_order") to set the execution order of actions to be sequential in the set_actions.

    class InvoiceOCRAssistant(Role):
        """Invoice OCR assistant, support OCR text recognition of invoice PDF, png, jpg, and zip files,
        generate a table for the payee, city, total amount, and invoicing date of the invoice,
        and ask questions for a single file based on the OCR recognition results of the invoice.
            name: The name of the role.
            profile: The role profile description.
            goal: The goal of the role.
            constraints: Constraints or requirements for the role.
            language: The language in which the invoice table will be generated.
        def __init__(
            name: str = "Stitch",
            profile: str = "Invoice OCR Assistant",
            goal: str = "OCR identifies invoice files and generates invoice main information table",
            constraints: str = "",
            language: str = "ch",
            super().__init__(name, profile, goal, constraints)
            self.language = language
            self.filename = ""
            self.origin_query = ""
            self.orc_data = None
    class InvoiceOCRAssistant(Role):
        """Invoice OCR assistant, support OCR text recognition of invoice PDF, png, jpg, and zip files,
        generate a table for the payee, city, total amount, and invoicing date of the invoice,
        and ask questions for a single file based on the OCR recognition results of the invoice.
            name: The name of the role.
            profile: The role profile description.
            goal: The goal of the role.
            constraints: Constraints or requirements for the role.
            language: The language in which the invoice table will be generated.
        def __init__(
            name: str = "Stitch",
            profile: str = "Invoice OCR Assistant",
            goal: str = "OCR identifies invoice files and generates invoice main information table",
            constraints: str = "",
            language: str = "ch",
            super().__init__(name, profile, goal, constraints)
            self.language = language
            self.filename = ""
            self.origin_query = ""
            self.orc_data = None
  2. Override the _act method. The _act method is responsible for executing actions. The Role class's _react method cyclically performs think and action operations. The _think method considers the next action to be performed based on the states. Therefore, only the _act method needs to be overridden. Use msg = self.rc.memory.get(k=1)[0] to get the latest message from the context. Use todo = self.rc.todo to get the next action to be executed from the context. Here, the invoice data is recognized through InvoiceOCR. If only a single invoice is recognized, add GenerateTable and ReplyQuestion actions. If multiple invoice files are recognized, the ReplyQuestion action is not needed. Use the GenerateTable action to provide the invoice recognition results to the LLM large model for extracting key information and downloading it as a table file. If it is a single invoice file, send the query and recognition results to the LLM large model to get the answer. The result of each action is turned into a message, and it is added to the context using self.rc.memory.add(msg).

    async def _act(self) -> Message:
        """Perform an action as determined by the role.
            A message containing the result of the action.
        msg = self.rc.memory.get(k=1)[0]
        todo = self.rc.todo
        if isinstance(todo, InvoiceOCR):
            self.origin_query = msg.content
            file_path = msg.instruct_content.get("file_path")
            self.filename =
            if not file_path:
                raise Exception("Invoice file not uploaded")
            resp = await
            if len(resp) == 1:
                # Single file support for questioning based on OCR recognition results
                self.set_actions([GenerateTable, ReplyQuestion])
                self.orc_data = resp[0]
            self.rc.todo = None
            content = INVOICE_OCR_SUCCESS
        elif isinstance(todo, GenerateTable):
            ocr_results = msg.instruct_content
            resp = await, self.filename)
            # Convert list to Markdown format string
            df = pd.DataFrame(resp)
    async def _act(self) -> Message:
        """Perform an action as determined by the role.
            A message containing the result of the action.
        msg = self.rc.memory.get(k=1)[0]
        todo = self.rc.todo
        if isinstance(todo, InvoiceOCR):
            self.origin_query = msg.content
            file_path = msg.instruct_content.get("file_path")
            self.filename =
            if not file_path:
                raise Exception("Invoice file not uploaded")
            resp = await
            if len(resp) == 1:
                # Single file support for questioning based on OCR recognition results
                self.set_actions([GenerateTable, ReplyQuestion])
                self.orc_data = resp[0]
            self.rc.todo = None
            content = INVOICE_OCR_SUCCESS
        elif isinstance(todo, GenerateTable):
            ocr_results = msg.instruct_content
            resp = await, self.filename)
            # Convert list to Markdown format string
            df = pd.DataFrame(resp)

Action Definition

  1. Define an action, where each action corresponds to a class object. Inherit from the Action base class and override the __init__ initialization method. The __init__ method includes the name parameter. The first line of code uses super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs) to call the parent class constructor, implementing the initialization of the action. Here, use args and kwargs to pass other parameters to the parent class constructor, such as context and llm.

    class InvoiceOCR(Action):
        """Action class for performing OCR on invoice files, including zip, PDF, png, and jpg files.
            name: The name of the action. Defaults to an empty string.
            language: The language for OCR output. Defaults to "ch" (Chinese).
        def __init__(self, name: str = "", *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
    class InvoiceOCR(Action):
        """Action class for performing OCR on invoice files, including zip, PDF, png, and jpg files.
            name: The name of the action. Defaults to an empty string.
            language: The language for OCR output. Defaults to "ch" (Chinese).
        def __init__(self, name: str = "", *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
  2. Override the run method. The run method is the main function for executing the action. For InvoiceOCR, for pdf, png, jpg format invoice files, use the open-source PaddleOCR API for OCR recognition. For zip format invoice files, unzip the compressed package to a specified directory, then recursively traverse pdf, png, jpg format invoice files, and perform OCR recognition on each file.

    async def run(self, file_path: Path, *args, **kwargs) -> list:
        """Execute the action to identify invoice files through OCR.
            file_path: The path to the input file.
            A list of OCR results.
        file_ext = await self._check_file_type(file_path)
        if file_ext == ".zip":
            # OCR recognizes zip batch files
            unzip_path = await self._unzip(file_path)
            ocr_list = []
            for root, _, files in os.walk(unzip_path):
                for filename in files:
                    invoice_file_path = Path(root) / Path(filename)
                    # Identify files that match the type
                    if Path(filename).suffix in [".zip", ".pdf", ".png", ".jpg"]:
                        ocr_result = await self._ocr(str(invoice_file_path))
            return ocr_list
            # OCR identifies single file
            ocr_result = await self._ocr(file_path)
            return [ocr_result]
    async def _check_file_type(file_path: Path) -> str:
        """Check the file type of the given filename.
            file_path: The path of the file.
            The file type based on FileExtensionType enum.
            Exception: If the file format is not zip, pdf, png, or jpg.
        ext = file_path.suffix
        if ext not in [".zip", ".pdf", ".png", ".jpg"]:
            raise Exception("The invoice format is not zip, pdf, png, or jpg")
        return ext
    async def _unzip(file_path: Path) -> Path:
        """Unzip a file and return the path to the unzipped directory.
            file_path: The path to the zip file.
            The path to the unzipped directory.
        file_directory = file_path.parent / "unzip_invoices" /"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") as zip_ref:
            for zip_info in zip_ref.infolist():
                # Use CP437 to encode the file name, and then use GBK decoding to prevent Chinese garbled code
                relative_name = Path(zip_info.filename.encode("cp437").decode("gbk"))
                if relative_name.suffix:
                    full_filename = file_directory / relative_name
                    await File.write(full_filename.parent,,
   "unzip_path: {file_directory}")
        return file_directory
    async def _ocr(invoice_file_path: Path):
        ocr = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=True, lang="ch", page_num=1)
        ocr_result = ocr.ocr(str(invoice_file_path), cls=True)
        return ocr_result
    async def run(self, file_path: Path, *args, **kwargs) -> list:
        """Execute the action to identify invoice files through OCR.
            file_path: The path to the input file.
            A list of OCR results.
        file_ext = await self._check_file_type(file_path)
        if file_ext == ".zip":
            # OCR recognizes zip batch files
            unzip_path = await self._unzip(file_path)
            ocr_list = []
            for root, _, files in os.walk(unzip_path):
                for filename in files:
                    invoice_file_path = Path(root) / Path(filename)
                    # Identify files that match the type
                    if Path(filename).suffix in [".zip", ".pdf", ".png", ".jpg"]:
                        ocr_result = await self._ocr(str(invoice_file_path))
            return ocr_list
            # OCR identifies single file
            ocr_result = await self._ocr(file_path)
            return [ocr_result]
    async def _check_file_type(file_path: Path) -> str:
        """Check the file type of the given filename.
            file_path: The path of the file.
            The file type based on FileExtensionType enum.
            Exception: If the file format is not zip, pdf, png, or jpg.
        ext = file_path.suffix
        if ext not in [".zip", ".pdf", ".png", ".jpg"]:
            raise Exception("The invoice format is not zip, pdf, png, or jpg")
        return ext
    async def _unzip(file_path: Path) -> Path:
        """Unzip a file and return the path to the unzipped directory.
            file_path: The path to the zip file.
            The path to the unzipped directory.
        file_directory = file_path.parent / "unzip_invoices" /"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") as zip_ref:
            for zip_info in zip_ref.infolist():
                # Use CP437 to encode the file name, and then use GBK decoding to prevent Chinese garbled code
                relative_name = Path(zip_info.filename.encode("cp437").decode("gbk"))
                if relative_name.suffix:
                    full_filename = file_directory / relative_name
                    await File.write(full_filename.parent,,
   "unzip_path: {file_directory}")
        return file_directory
    async def _ocr(invoice_file_path: Path):
        ocr = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=True, lang="ch", page_num=1)
        ocr_result = ocr.ocr(str(invoice_file_path), cls=True)
        return ocr_result
  3. Other action implementations are similar. GenerateTable provides OCR-recognized data to the LLM large model to extract key information and write it to a table. ReplyQuestion asks the LLM large model about the content of the invoice.

    class GenerateTable(Action):
        """Action class for generating tables from OCR results.
            name: The name of the action. Defaults to an empty string.
            language: The language used for the generated table. Defaults to "ch" (Chinese).
        def __init__(self, name: str = "", language: str = "ch", *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
            self.language = language
        async def run(self, ocr_results: list, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> dict[str, str]:
            """Processes OCR results, extracts invoice information, generates a table, and saves it as an Excel file.
                ocr_results: A list of OCR results obtained from invoice processing.
                filename: The name of the output Excel file.
                A dictionary containing the invoice information.
            table_data = []
            pathname = INVOICE_OCR_TABLE_PATH
            pathname.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            for ocr_result in ocr_results:
                # Extract invoice OCR main information
                prompt = EXTRACT_OCR_MAIN_INFO_PROMPT.format(ocr_result=ocr_result, language=self.language)
                ocr_info = await self._aask(prompt=prompt)
                invoice_data = OutputParser.extract_struct(ocr_info, dict)
                if invoice_data:
            # Generate Excel file
            filename = f"{filename.split('.')[0]}.xlsx"
            full_filename = f"{pathname}/{filename}"
            df = pd.DataFrame(table_data)
            df.to_excel(full_filename, index=False)
            return table_data
    class ReplyQuestion(Action):
        """Action class for generating replies to questions based on OCR results.
            name: The name of the action. Defaults to an empty string.
            language: The language used for generating the reply. Defaults to "ch" (Chinese).
        def __init__(self, name: str = "", language: str = "ch", *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
            self.language = language
        async def run(self, query: str, ocr_result: list, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
            """Reply to questions based on ocr results.
                query: The question for which a reply is generated.
                ocr_result: A list of OCR results.
                A reply result of string type.
            prompt = REPLY_OCR_QUESTION_PROMPT.format(query=query, ocr_result=ocr_result, language=self.language)
            resp = await self._aask(prompt=prompt)
            return resp
    class GenerateTable(Action):
        """Action class for generating tables from OCR results.
            name: The name of the action. Defaults to an empty string.
            language: The language used for the generated table. Defaults to "ch" (Chinese).
        def __init__(self, name: str = "", language: str = "ch", *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
            self.language = language
        async def run(self, ocr_results: list, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> dict[str, str]:
            """Processes OCR results, extracts invoice information, generates a table, and saves it as an Excel file.
                ocr_results: A list of OCR results obtained from invoice processing.
                filename: The name of the output Excel file.
                A dictionary containing the invoice information.
            table_data = []
            pathname = INVOICE_OCR_TABLE_PATH
            pathname.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            for ocr_result in ocr_results:
                # Extract invoice OCR main information
                prompt = EXTRACT_OCR_MAIN_INFO_PROMPT.format(ocr_result=ocr_result, language=self.language)
                ocr_info = await self._aask(prompt=prompt)
                invoice_data = OutputParser.extract_struct(ocr_info, dict)
                if invoice_data:
            # Generate Excel file
            filename = f"{filename.split('.')[0]}.xlsx"
            full_filename = f"{pathname}/{filename}"
            df = pd.DataFrame(table_data)
            df.to_excel(full_filename, index=False)
            return table_data
    class ReplyQuestion(Action):
        """Action class for generating replies to questions based on OCR results.
            name: The name of the action. Defaults to an empty string.
            language: The language used for generating the reply. Defaults to "ch" (Chinese).
        def __init__(self, name: str = "", language: str = "ch", *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
            self.language = language
        async def run(self, query: str, ocr_result: list, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
            """Reply to questions based on ocr results.
                query: The question for which a reply is generated.
                ocr_result: A list of OCR results.
                A reply result of string type.
            prompt = REPLY_OCR_QUESTION_PROMPT.format(query=query, ocr_result=ocr_result, language=self.language)
            resp = await self._aask(prompt=prompt)
            return resp

Role Execution Results

Input Examples

Example 1

  • Invoice Image


  • Input code as follows, replace path with the relative path to the invoice file.

    role = InvoiceOCRAssistant()
    await"Invoicing date", instruct_content={"file_path": path}))
    role = InvoiceOCRAssistant()
    await"Invoicing date", instruct_content={"file_path": path}))

Example 2

  • Invoice Image


  • Input code as follows, replace path with the relative path to the invoice file.

    role = InvoiceOCRAssistant()
    await"Payee", instruct_content={"file_path": path}))
    role = InvoiceOCRAssistant()
    await"Payee", instruct_content={"file_path": path}))

Execution Command Example

In the project's root directory, execute the command python3 /examples/

Execution Results

The generated invoice information is in the xlsx file in the /data/invoice_ocr directory at the project's root. Screenshots are as follows:



It is recommended to use a large text limit llm model api, such as gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, for this role. This helps to avoid limitations when interacting with the llm large model due to excessively large OCR recognition results.

Released under the MIT License.